Friday, November 21, 2014

Celtic Dragon

(Pencil, Prisma Color, Gel-Pen, Sharpie Marker,
Ball Point Pen, and Sketch Paper)

Sorry I had not updated in forever, I am really bad at updating.

But as you can see this is a Celtic Dragon, and this is actually a
redo of something from a while back.

`````````````````````````````````````````````*By The Way*```````````````````````````````````````


The link above is my Facebook page-
I update more on there at times than I do here.

Enjoy, Sorry I don't update more- have a nice day!

-J. R. Batt

Saturday, July 26, 2014

FuuFuuCuddlyPoops (A GIft For Her On DA)

I made this for FuuFuuCuddlyPoops on DA, she loves elves, bows & arrows, and owls.

soory these posts have been very short.

J. R. Batt

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


This is the Original before editing, some ink got drops on places it did need to go.

I edited it, and did a digital Air Brush, and a digital Smudge Brush; Smudge the bad spots away stuff and Tadah!!!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Artist's Block and Constantly Tired

Hello everyone-

It's been at least a few months, and still nothing? Yeah, I know, barely started this Blog- and I'm already having trouble with updating.

I am going to start having a deadline for myself each week- hopefully I'll have more stuff to post.

So Sorry for the short message,

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Here We Are.




It's me again; I have finally finished both my beginning selections for my pages on...




these sites, as well as this one are going to be displaying my pictures, but this one is also going to have extras the others won't have- so hopefully me sharing my art will inspire others to start expressing themselves.

other than that; I am very, very, very new to this blogging thing- so bare with me. hopefully I will become more interesting soon enough.

well, I'm bidding you a goodnight everyone.

-logging out
 J. R. Barrett

Sunday, February 9, 2014



My name Is J.R. Barrett- and this is going to be a Art gallery of sorts. I'm going to make and post art up on this blog, and maybe anyone who like or shares common interest can enjoy the postings. Well; this my sad attempt to a Intro- so later.
